[agents] IAHC 2010 - Deadline Approaching

Graham Billiau gdb339 at uow.edu.au
Thu Aug 26 02:12:41 EDT 2010

Call for Papers
Workshop: Intelligent Agents in Health Care
PRIMA 2010
Kolkata, India, 12th November 2010

*** News: In-principle agreement obtained from Springer for an LNCS/LNAI post-
proceedings. ***

The first workshop on Intelligent Agents in Health Care is held in conjunction 
with the 13th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-
Agent Systems (PRIMA).

It is acknowledged that there are issues in the medical domain that are 
difficult to solve using traditional medical informatics solutions. The use of 
intelligent agents is an effective approach to operationalize Artificial 
Intelligence concepts to model uncertainty and incomplete knowledge overcoming 
some of these problems.

Studies have shown that the properties and methodologies of multi-agent system 
research address problems identified in health care. This workshop aims to 
reaffirm, explore existing synergies and encourage cross fertilization between 
the two research areas. Furthermore, we aim to bring together specialists from 
both medical and computer science professions to report on both successes and 
failures that have been encountered in their exploration in the area.

This workshop provides the seed for a unifying vision where intelligent agents 
(such as intelligence patient scheduling, agents in clinical decision support, 
and agents in clinical evidence mining) form the building blocks for the 
hospital of the future as well as health services in the greater community 
(such as agents in community health monitoring and reporting).

All of the submitted papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the 
Program Committee. At least one of the reviewers will be a medical expert. The 
main aspects to be reviewed will be originality, technical accuracy and 
relevance to the workshop.

Areas of Interest:

Specific topics of interest for this workshop cover various facets of agents 
and health informatics research, including but not limited to the following:

    * Agents in tele-health.
    * Agents in patient monitoring and diagnosis.
    * Agents in patient-centred care.
    * Agents in patient management.
    * Agents in medical decision support.
    * Agents in medical knowledge mining.
    * Agents in medical services science.
    * Agents in compliance monitoring and execution of clinical guidelines
    * Agents in medical pedagogical systems.

Important Dates:

    * Submission deadline: September 5, 2010
    * Acceptance notification: September 24, 2010
    * Camera-ready: September 30, 2010

The workshop requires online submission through easychair 
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iahc10. The maximal length for 
papers is 15 pages in Springer LNCS format.

All of the submitted papers will be revised by at least one medical and at 
least one computer science expert. The main aspects to be reviewed will be 
originality, technical accuracy and relevance to the workshop.

Publication Requirements:
Authors of all accepted paper are required to present their paper on the 
workshop day. Failing to do so will result in the paper not being included in 
the Workshop Proceedings.

All accepted papers that have been presented on the workshop day will be 
published in Springer. In addition the workshop is currently attempting to 
organize for selected papers that have been presented on the workshop day to 
be included in a special edition of LNAI.

Organization and Program Committees
Organizing Committee:

    * Prof. Andrew Miller (alexisandrew at gmail.com)
    * Graham Billiau (gdb339 at uow.edu.au)
    * Chee Fon Chang (c03 at uow.edu.au)
    * Konstantin Hoesch-Klohe (khk789 at uow.edu.au) (primary contact)
    * Evan Morrison (edm92 at uow.edu.au)

Informatics Program Committee:

    * Prof. Ulises Cortés (Technical Univ. of Catalonia, Spain)
    * Prof. John Fox (University of Oxford, England)
    * Prof. Lenka Lhotska (Czech Technical University in Prague)
    * Prof. Anthony Maeder (University of Westen Sydney, Australia)
    * Prof. Cristina Urdiales (Univ. of Malaga, Spain)
    * Dr. Martin Beer (Univ. Sheffield Hallam, UK)
    * Dr. David Isern (Univ. Rovira i Virgili, Spain)
    * Dr. Patty Koskova (City University, UK)
    * Dr. Javier Vázquez-Salceda (Technical Univ. of Catalonia, Spain)
    * Dr. Ping Yu (University of Wollongong, Australia)
    * Jantima Polpinij (University of Wollongong, Australia)

Medical Specialist Program Committee:

    * Dr. Fabio Campana (Geriatrician)
    * Dr. Elizabeth Dodd (Rural Doctor)
    * Dr. Fiona Hegi-Johnson (Radiation Oncology Advanced Trainee)
    * Dr. Horst Herb (Rural Doctor, General Surgeon)

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