[agents] Deadline Extension: DPDF at MALLOW2010

Ambra Molesini ambra.molesini at unibo.it
Fri Jun 11 09:52:24 EDT 2010

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IEEE FIPA Workshop on Design Process Documentation and Fragmentation
to be held at The Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, 
and Organisations Federated Workshops (MALLOW 2010)
30th of August - 2nd of September, 2010
Domaine Valpré - Lyon, France
(Website at http://mallow2010.emse.fr/index.html)

Aim of this workshop
This workshop will focus on the research and  standardisation topics related to the activity of  the IEEE FIPA DPDF working group. They will  include process modelling, process documentation,  theoretical and practical aspects of design process definition, the different use of  fragments, and the definition of concepts and  techniques related to them. Although the workshop  is tightly related to the FIPA context, the scope  is not limited to agent-oriented approaches but  other points of view are of great interest to this event.
The workshop organisers specifically welcome  papers describing applications of the  specification drafted by this FIPA working group 
or new  specification proposals for process  documentation, fragment definition, and process fragmentation.

A non-restrictive list of topics of interest includes:

·                Specification proposals and 
applications of the specifications already drafted by the working group
·                Situational Method Engineering (SME)
·                Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE)
·                Standards for the description of 
design processes and process/method fragments
·                Models, Metamodels and Notations 
for design processes/fragments
·                Techniques for process fragmentation
·                Techniques for fragments selection
·                Techniques for fragments composition
·                Best practices for 
defining/documenting fragments and processes
·                Theories and practical experiences in the field

Important dates
Important Dates:
·       June 20, 2010: Submission of Papers 
·       July 8, 2010: Notification of Acceptance/ Rejection
·       July 30, 2010: Submission of Camera-Ready Copies
·       30 Aug  02 Sept, 2010: Workshop

·       Massimo Cossentino (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy)
·       Vincent Hilare (Université de Technologie 
de Belfort-Montbélliard, France)
·       Ambra Molesini (Alma Mater Studiorum  Università di Bologna)

Program Committee (members are to be confirmed)
C. Bernon (Univ. Paul Sabatier, FR)
G. Cabri (Univ. Modena e Reggio Emilia, IT)
S. DeLoach (Kansas State Univ., USA)
G. Fortino (Univ. Calabria, IT)
R. Fuentes Fernandez (Univ. Madrid, ES)
S. Galland (Univ. Belfort, UTBM, FR)
A. Garro (Univ. Calabria, IT)
N. Gaud (Univ. Belfort, UTBM, FR)
P. Giorgini (University of Trento, IT)
M.P. Gleizes (Univ. Paul Sabatier, FR)
A. Gomez Rodriguez(Univ. de Vigo, ES)
J. C. Gonzalez Moreno (Univ. de Vigo, ES)
Z. Guessom (Univ. LIP6, Paris, FR)
M.P. Huget (Univ. Savoie, FR)
R. Levy (Intelligent Automation, Inc, USA)
F. Migeon (Univ. Paul Sabatier, FR)
V. Morreale (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, IT)
A. Omicini (Univ. Bologna, IT)
S. Ossowski (Univ. Rey Juan Carlos, ES)
J. Pavon (Univ. Madrid, ES)
J. Pena (Univ. Seville, ES)
A. Perini (Fondazione B. Kessler, IT)
J. Ralyte (University of Geneva, CH)
W. Renz (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, DE)
V. Seidita (University of Palermo, IT)
A. Siena (Fondazione B. Kessler, IT)
P. Storniolo (National Research Council, IT)
J. Sudeikat (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, DE)
A. Susi (Fondazione B. Kessler, IT)
K. Taveter (Tallinn University of Technology, EE)
J.P. Tolvanen (Metacase, FI)
Dott. Ing. Ambra Molesini , Ph.D 
 Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
DEIS - Viale del Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna (I)
phone : +39 051 2093541
fax :   +39 051 2093073
mail: ambra.molesini at unibo.it
web : http://www.lia.deis.unibo.it/Staff/AmbraMolesini/

5 per mille all'Università di Bologna - C.F.: 80007010376

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