[agents] Post-doc Fellow (Masdar & MIT joint project): Incentive Mechanisms in Social Computing

Iyad Rahwan irahwan at acm.org
Wed Jun 2 18:06:25 EDT 2010


Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Masdar Institute & MIT

Incentive Mechanisms in Social Computing


Applications are invited for the position of “Post-doctoral Research
Fellow” as part of a joint research project between the Masdar
Institute of Science & Technology and Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT).  The project’s Principal Investigators are:

- Dr. Iyad Rahwan, Masdar Institute & MIT (www.mit.edu/~irahwan)
- Prof. Alex (Sandy) Pentland, MIT (http://web.media.mit.edu/~sandy)

The successful candidate will work on a collaborative
interdisciplinary research project. The project , titled “Influencing
Collective Human Behavior Using Distributed Intelligent Systems,” aims
to help people use resources more efficiently. The project will have
(1) a theoretical component focusing on game-theoretic and incentive
mechanism design issues, and (2) an empirical component to test these
techniques in behavioral experiments using lab experiments and real
deployment through mobile computing and sensor technologies.

For further details, please see:


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