[agents] Submission deadline of UIC 2010 extended to 15 May 2010 (Xian, China)
Babak Esfandiari
babak at sce.carleton.ca
Sat May 1 17:34:04 EDT 2010
The 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and
- Building Smart Worlds in Real and Cyber Spaces -
UIC 2010 (http://www.nwpu.edu.cn/uic2010/)
Xi'an, China, October 26-29, 2010
Technically Sponsored by IEEE CS TCSC
Co-located with ATC 2010 (http://www.nwpu.edu.cn/atc2010/)
What's New:
1. Due to many requests, the submission deadline of UIC 2010 is extended
to May 15.
2. Selected best papers of UIC 2010 will be published in the special
issues of:
* Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (Springer, SCI-E)
* International Journal of Information Acquisition (World Scientific)
* International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications
Systems (Inderscience)
3. Six workshops have been accepted by UIC 2010. Workshop paper
submission deadline is May 30.
Ubiquitous sensors, devices, networks and information are paving the way
towards a smart world in which computational intelligence is distributed
throughout the physical environment to provide reliable and relevant
services to people. This ubiquitous intelligence will change the
computing landscape because it will enable new breeds of applications
and systems to be developed and the realm of computing possibilities
will be significantly extended. By enhancing everyday objects with
intelligence, many tasks and processes could be simplified, the physical
spaces where people interact like the workplaces and homes, could become
more efficient, safer and more enjoyable. Ubiquitous computing, or
pervasive computing, uses these many “smart things or u-things” to
create smart environments, services and applications.
A smart thing can be endowed with different levels of intelligence, and
may be context-aware, active, interactive, reactive, proactive,
assistive, adaptive, automated, sentient, perceptual, cognitive,
autonomic and/or thinking. Research on ubiquitous intelligence is an
emerging research field covering many disciplines. A series of grand
challenges exist to move from the current level of computing services to
the smart world of adaptive and intelligent services. Started in 2005,
the series of UIC conferences has been held in Taipei, Nagasaki, Three
Gorges (China), Hong Kong, Oslo and Brisbane. UIC 2010 will include a
highly selective program of technical papers, accompanied by workshops,
panel discussions and keynote speeches. Established as a premier venue
in the area of ubiquitous intelligence and computing, UIC 2010 will
offer a forum for researchers to exchange ideas and experiences in
developing intelligent/smart objects, environments and systems.
1. Ubiquitous Intelligent/Smart Systems
* Sensor, Ad Hoc, Mesh & P2P Networks
* Social Networking and Computing
* Knowledge Representation and Ontology
* Wearable, Personal and Body Area Systems
* Middleware and Intelligent Platforms
* Intelligent Services and Architectures
* Agents, Swarm and Context-aware Systems
* Nature-inspired Intelligent Systems
2. Ubiquitous Intelligent/Smart Environments
* Smart Room, Home, Office, Laboratory
* Smart Shop, Hospital, Campus, City, etc.
* Smart Vehicle, Road, Traffic & Transportation
* Healthcare and Elder/Child Care Services
* Pervasive/Ubiquitous Media and Services
* Pervasive Learning, Games, Entertainment
* Other Intelligent/Smart Applications
3. Ubiquitous Intelligent/Smart Objects
* Electronic Labels, Cards, E-Tags and RFID
* Embedded Chips, Sensors & Actuators
* MEMS, NEMS, Micro & Biometric Devices
* Smart Appliances and Wearable Devices
* Material, Textile, Cloth, Furniture, etc.
* Embedded Software and Agents
* Interaction to Smart Objects/Devices
* Smart Object OS and Programming
4. Personal/Social/Physical Aspects
* Real/Cyber World Modeling and Semantics
* User/Object Identity and Activity Recognition
* Adaptive User Interfaces and Tools
* Security, Privacy, Safety and Legal Issues
* Emotional, Ethical and Psychological Factors
* Implication & Impact of Ubiquitous Intelligence
* Relations between Real and Cyber Worlds
The UIC 2010 Organizing Committee invites proposals for one-day
workshops affiliated with the conference and addressing research areas
related to the conference. The workshop proceedings will be published by
IEEE CS Press. Submit workshop proposals to workshops chairs via email
(robertchh at gmail.com and mieso08 at gmail.com) by 31 January 2010. Besides
workshops, UIC 2010 will also include a special track, demo/exhibitions
and a panel. Please visit the conference website for details.
Papers need to be prepared according to the LNCS format, and submitted
in PDF format via the UIC 2010 submission site:
Paper submission: May 15, 2010 (extended)
Author notification: Jun. 30, 2010
Camera-ready due: Jul. 30, 2010
Accepted conference papers are planned to be published by Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS, EI indexed). At least one author of each
accepted paper is required to register and present their work at the
conference, otherwise the paper will not be included in the proceedings.
Distinguished Selected papers, after further extensions and revisions,
will be published in special issues of prestigious journals including
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (Springer), International Journal of
Information Acquisition (World Scientific), and International Journal of
Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (Inderscience).
As in the past, UIC 2010 will present a Best Paper Award. A best demo or
exhibition will also be selected.
Honorary Chairs
Yaoxue Zhang, Tsinghua University, China
Stephen S. Yau, Arizona State University, USA
Lionel M. Ni, Hong Kong Univ. of Sci. and Tech., HK
General Chairs
Daqing Zhang, Institute TELECOM SudParis, France
Xingshe Zhou, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., China
Sajal Das, Univ. of Texas at Arlington, USA
Program Chairs
Zhiwen Yu, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., China
Ramiro Liscano, Univ. of Ontario Inst. of Tech., Canada
Guanling Chen, University of Massachusetts, USA
Program Vice Chairs
Waltenegus Dargie, Tech. Univ. of Dresden, Germany
Tatsuya Yamazaki, NICT, Japan
Yu Chen, Tsinghua University, China
Advisory Committee Chairs
Norio Shiratori, Tohoku University, Japan
Mohan Kumar, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Max Muehlhaeuser, Darmstadt Univ. of Tech., Germany
Workshop Chairs
Robert C. Hsu, Chung Hua Univ., Taiwan
Mieso Denko, University of Guelph, Canada
Publicity Chairs
Bessam Abdulrazak, Univ. Sherbrooke, Canada
Sung-Bae Cho, Yonsei University, Korea
Wenbin Jiang, Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech., China
Artur Lugmayr, Tampere Univ. of Technology, Finland
Hongbo Ni, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., China
Evi Syukur, University of New South Wales, Australia
Panel Chairs
Christian Becker, University of Mannheim, Germany
Ren-Hung Huang, National Chung Cheng Univ., Taiwan
Demo/Exhibition Chairs
Gang Pan, Zhejiang University, China
Xing Xie, Microsoft Research Asia, China
Award Chairs
Frode Eika Sandnes, Oslo University College, Norway
Jiannong Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK
Special Track Chairs
Zheng Yan, Nokia Research Center, Finland
Yan Wang, Macquarie University, Australia
International Liaison Chairs
Marius Portmann, University of Queensland, Australia
Yo-Ping Huang, National Taipei Univ. of Tech., Taiwan
Bernady O. Apduhan, Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan
Tao Mei, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Jong Hyuk Park, Kyungnam University, Korea
Judith Symonds, Auckland Univ. of Tech., New Zealand
Industrial Liaison Chairs
Wei Han, China Aeronautical Computing Institute, China
Nagula Sangary, RIM, Canada
Yan Zhang, Simula Lab, Norway
Local Arrangement Chair
Yuying Wang, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., China
Web Administration Chair
Haipeng Wang, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., China
Steering Committee
Jianhua Ma (chair), Hosei University, Japan
Laurence T. Yang (chair), St. Francis Xavier Univ., Canada
Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Sci. & Tech., China
Theo Ungerer, University of Augsburg, Germany
Jadwiga Indulska, University of Queensland, Australia
Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Advisory Committee and Program Committee
See UIC 2010 website: http://www.nwpu.edu.cn/uic2010/
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