[agents] First call for papers: Workshop on Logics for Resource-Bounded Agents (LRBA)

Brian Logan bsl at Cs.Nott.AC.UK
Thu Apr 22 14:18:15 EDT 2010


The Third Workshop on Logics for Resource-Bounded Agents (LRBA)
(with special emphasis on awareness and limited reasoning)


To be held as part of Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations  
-- Federated Workshops (MALLOW 2010) in Domaine Valpr, Lyon, France,  
from the 30th of August to the 3rd of September, 2010 http://mallow2010.emse.fr/


Formal models of knowledge and belief, as well as other attitudes such  
as desire or intention, have been extensively studied. However, most  
of the treatments of knowledge and belief make strong and idealised  
assumptions about the reasoners. For example, traditional epistemic  
logic say that agents know all logical consequences of their  
knowledge. Similarly, logics of action and strategic interaction are  
usually based on game theoretic models which assume perfect  
rationality. Models based on such assumptions can be used to describe  
ideal agents without bounds on resources such as time, memory, etc,  
but they fail to accurately describe non-ideal agents which are  
computationally bounded. The workshop aims to provide a forum for  
discussing possible solutions to the problem of formally capturing the  
properties of knowledge, belief, action, etc. of non-idealised  
resource-bounded agents. We are particularly interested in formal
models of agents' limited reasoning and (un)awareness (there will be a  
publication on this topic following the workshop, see below).


Topics include, but are not limited to, logical models of:

* limited awareness and unawareness
* logically non-omniscient agents in general
* explicit knowledge and belief
* algorithmic knowledge
* temporal logics of reasoning
* active logics
* knowledge and belief of reasoners with bounds on reasoning time,  
memory, or other resource bounds (e.g.
   bandwidth, sensing limitations)
* other attitudes, such as desire, intention, etc., under bounded
* paraconsistency
* rational choice under bounded resources
* games under bounded resources, e.g. bounded recall, incomplete  
information, limited awareness of the structure of the game


Submission deadline:            7 June 2010
Notification of acceptance:    5 July 2010
Camera-ready:                  	   2 August 2010
Workshop:                           30 August - 3 September 2010


Accepted papers will appear in informal pre-proceedings published by  
MALLOW. Following the workshop, authors are invited to submit extended  
revisions of their papers for publication in a volume in the Synthese  
Library series, on awareness and limited reasoning, edited by T.  
Agotnes, N. Alechina, B. Logan, and G. Sillari.


Authors are invited to submit a full paper. Submissions should not  
exceed 15 pages in LaTeX 11pt article style. The following formats are  
accepted: pdf, ps. Please submit on line at  http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lrba2010

Any equiries to lrba10 at cs.nott.ac.uk


Thomas Agotnes   (University of Bergen, Norway)
Natasha Alechina  (University of Nottingham, UK)
Brian Logan          (University Nottingham, UK)


Thomas Agotnes          (University of Bergen, Norway)
Natasha Alechina        (University of Nottingham, UK)
Sergei Artemov          (CUNY, USA)
Nils Bulling            (Clausthal University of Technology, Germany)
Michael Fisher          (University of Liverpool, UK)
Chiara Ghidini          (FBK-irst, Italy)
Joe Halpern             (Cornell University, USA)
Paul Harrenstein        (Ludwig Maximilians Universitat Munchen,  
Wiebe van der Hoek      (University of Liverpool, UK)
Brian Logan             (University of Nottingham, UK)
Rohit Parikh            (Brooklyn College CUNY, USA)
Burkhard Schipper       (UC Davis, USA)
Giacomo Sillari         (University of Pennsylvania, USA)

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