[agents] TADA 2010: Call for Participation

Kate Larson klarson at cs.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Apr 15 11:06:53 EDT 2010

Call for Participation
Workshop on Trading Agent Design and Analysis (TADA 2010)
Held in Conjunction with the ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'10)
Monday, June 7, 2010
Harvard University

The finals for the 2010 Trading Agent Competition (TAC 
http://www.sics.se/tac/) will take place on June 7th and June 8th.

Trading agents have become a prominent application area in Artificial 
Intelligence because of their potential benefits in electronic commerce, 
and because they present a stiff challenge to models of rational 
decision-making. A wide variety of trading scenarios and agent 
approaches have been studied, creating a broad and rich research area. 
This workshop will focus on the design and evaluation of trading agents.

We are inviting the submission of *short papers* (up to 4 pages) to be 
presented at the workshop. Short papers covering such topics as 
strategies used in previous competitions, discussions as to the 
effectiveness of different approaches, thoughts on applying the lessons 
learned through TAC to other domains, or thoughts on TAC itself are all 

The deadline for submitting short papers is *April 30*. To submit, email 
the paper to klarson at cs.uwaterloo.ca
If you have any questions, please email klarson at cs.uwaterloo.ca

**Important Information:**

Deadline for Short Papers: April 30, 2010
Deadline for Early Registration: May 6, 2010
Registration Form: http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=850103

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