[agents] ECCS'10 - Young Researchers Session - Call for Participation

Young Researchers Session phd at eccs2010.eu
Thu Apr 8 09:25:13 EDT 2010

           Complex Systems Studies Young Researchers Session

                       ECCS'10 Satellite Meeting
http://phd.eccs2010.eu                      Lisbon, September 15 , 2010
At  pivotal  moments   throughout  history,  technological  innovation
triggers  massive  social   and  cultural  transformation.  Apparently
unrelated developments, which had  been gradually unfolding for years,
suddenly converge to create changes that are as disruptive as they are
creative.  We  are  currently  living  in a  moment  of  extraordinary
complexity when  systems and structures that have  long organized life
are changing at an unprecedented rate. Such rapid and pervasive change
creates the need to develop new ways of understanding the world and of
interpreting  our   experience.  (Marc  C.  Taylor,   ?The  Moment  of
Complexity: Emerging Network Culture?)

In the last  decade there has been a growing interest  in the study of
complex systems. The concept of complexity is pervasive in many fields
of research,  from social sciences  such as politics and  economics to
'hard' sciences such as  theoretical physics and systems biology. This
growing interest  and concurrent widening of  research domains creates
the need  to develop  new ways of  understanding and  interpreting the
world. This  is particularly important for  young researchers tackling
their initial research questions within the domain of complex systems.

The Young  Researchers Session  @ ECCS2010 seeks  to bring  together a
group  of complex  systems science  researchers at  an early  stage in
their careers  (graduates, M.Sc., Ph.D.,  Postdoctoral researchers and
Lecturers),  to facilitate  a dialogue  beween individuals  and groups
from an intentionally diverse set  of domains. We aim to encourage the
presentation   of  experimental   results   within  this   supportive,
interdisciplinary  group, and to  foster collaboration  between people
from within the  complex systems community who may  not otherwise have
come across experimental techniques  and approaches from outside their
'comfort zone'.

Emphasis will  therefore be on creating a  stimulating and interactive
environment, with a focus also on the bigger questions at large within
complex systems  research. To  this end, presenters  will be  asked to
allude to  the 'bigger picture'  questions within their domain  and in
complex systems science as  a whole from their perspective. Crucially,
we  aim to establish  a collaborative  environment that  will continue
after ECCS2010 to foster these links.

Invited Speakers

Vitorino Ramos - http://www.chemoton.org/

Anders Lyhne Christensen - http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~alyhne/

Meeting agenda

The workshop will  take place on September 15th,  2010, and will focus
on a limited number of pre-selected contributions, incorporating group

Some important issues that may be discussed:

*   How to  ensure a research  activity trajectory from Ph.D.  students to
all early career  researchers. 
*   Research methodologies, tools, datasets and related problems. 
*   Current research programs. 
*   Current 'state of the art' experimental  results within complex
systems science.  
*   How to set up  social media  presence for  complex systems
science  young career researchers. 
*   How  to   network  curricula.  Integration  with  online
presentation of  educational  materials   e.g. assystcomplexity.eu,
*   SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis of
young researchers personal resources. 
*   Ph.D.  vs M.Sc. v's job opportunities. 
*   What to publish, how to publish, when to publish.

Important dates

30/4: Deadline for submissions  
31/5: Notification of acceptance 
10/6: Final (amended) manuscripts due 
15/9: Satellite Meeting

Call for presentations

Graduates,  Masters  and  Ph.D.  students  are  invited  to  submit  a
presentation as a short 300  word abstract on a subject within complex
systems  science or  a longer  (six  pages) full  scientific paper  on
topics  concerning  research  and  academic careers,  complex  systems
domains  and  applications,  job  opportunities  for  complex  systems
science graduates, curriculum  networking, skills matrices for complex
systems sdudies as a whole or any other relevant matter.

Paper Submission

It is adived the use of the LNCS format (not mandatory)

To submit, please send the produced PDF to phd at eccs2010.eu.

Papers should have 6 pages maximum (LNCS Format). Deadline for
submission is 30/4. 

If  you   encounter  any  problem,  please   contact  David  Rodrigues
phd at eccs2010.eu

Program and Organising committee members

Andrea  Apolloni, Institut des  Systemes Complexes  Rhone-Alpes (IXXI)
and Laboratoire de Physique,ENS-Lyon, (France)

Antó Fonseca, DCTI, ISCTE ? Lisbon University Institute, (Portugal)

David Rodrigues, DCTI, ISCTE ? Lisbon University Institute, (Portugal)

Iain Kusel, Design Group, Open University (UK)

Larisa  Mihoreanu, Pharmaceutical  Sciences  Division, King's  College
London, (UK)

Martine J. Barons,  Complexity Science Centre and DTC  , University of
Warwick, (UK)

Questions  should be  addressed  to the  ECCS?10 Organizing  Committee
through the e-mail address phd at eccs2010.eu

[Apologies for multiple postings]

Young Researchers Session at ECCS'10
phd at eccs2010.eu

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