[agents] Final CFP: TADA 2010 || Extended Deadline April 4th, 2010

Kate Larson klarson at cs.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Apr 1 14:35:02 EDT 2010

Final Call for Papers and Extended Deadline

**Workshop on Trading Agent Design and Analysis (TADA 2010)**


June 7th, 2010, Cambridge, MA

Held in conjunction with ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC10)

**New Submission Deadline: April 4, 2010**

Trading agents have become a prominent application area in Artificial 
Intelligence because of their potential benefits in electronic commerce, 
and because they present a stiff challenge to models of rational 
decision-making. A wide variety of trading scenarios and agent 
approaches have been studied, creating a broad and rich research area. 
This workshop will focus on the design and evaluation of trading agents. 
Papers on trading agent architectures, decision-making algorithms, 
theoretical analysis, empirical evaluations of agent strategies in 
negotiation scenarios, and game-theoretic analyses, are all within the 
scope of the workshop.

This workshop will be held in conjunction with the 2010 Trading Agent 
Competition (TAC-2010)  (http://www.sics.se/tac) with finals held during 
the 11th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC-2010) 
(http://www.sigecom.org/ec10/), but paper submissions need not be 
directly related to TAC. In fact, we encourage submissions related to 
other trading scenarios.

**Important Dates and Deadlines**

Deadline for submission of full papers: April 4, 2010
Notification of acceptance/rejection: April 23, 2010
Early registration deadline for EC 2010: May 7, 2010
Camera Copy Deadline: May 15, 2010
Workshop: June 7th, 2010

**Submission Instructions**

Papers should be 8 two-column pages, including references. Manuscripts 
are exptected to be in English, and should be in PDF format. You should 
use the ACM SIG proceedings template 

Papers are to be submitted through the EasyChair Conference System 
website (https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=tada2010).

**Program Committee**

Michael Benisch, Carnegie Mellon University
John Collins, University of Minnesota
Maria Fasli, University of Essex
Enrico Gerding, University of Southampton
Maria Gini, University of Minnesota
Amy Greenwald, Brown University
Sverker Janson, Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS)
Patrick Jordan, University of Michigan
Wolf Ketter, RSM Erasmus University
Kate Larson, (Chair) University of Waterloo
Peter McBurney, University of Liverpool
Tracy Mullen, Pennsylvania State University
Victor Naroditskiy, University of Southampton
Jinzhong Niu, City University of New York
David Pardoe, University of Texas
Ioannis Vetsikas, University of Southampton
Michael Wellman, University of Michigan
Dongmo Zhang, University of Western Sydney

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