[agents] CFPart: Etaps tutorial on cyber-physical systems

Manuela Bujorianu Manuela.Bujorianu at manchester.ac.uk
Tue Feb 9 05:39:39 EST 2010

Please accept our apologies if you have received multiple copies.
Please feel free to distribute it to those who might be interested.

*                                                                     *
*               Call for Participation                                *
*                                                                     *
*                    TUTORIAL                                         *
*                                                                     *
*    Uncertainty Modeling in Cyber-Physical Systems                   *
*                                                                     *
*                  21st Marchÿ 2010                                   *
*                   Paphos, Cyprus                                    *
*                                                                     *
*                European Joint Conferences on                        *
*               Theory And Practice of Software                       *
*                   (ETAPS  2010)                                     *
*                                                                     *
* http://personalpages.manchester.ac.uk/staff/Manuela.Bujorianu/      *
*                                                  ETAPStutorial.htm  *
*                                                                     *

Background and Content

Cyber physical systems represent an emerging research area that raises  
many open problems and new research topics. Its root can be traced  
into recent developments in ubiquitous computing, hybrid systems and  
networked control systems. This is a holistic approach that focuses on  
the interaction between system aspects that have been studied in  
separation until now. Such aspects include physical environments,  
hybrid discrete continuous behaviours, random perturbations and  
communication/control co-design.
The tutorial has three major purposes:
- to introduce the audience into the rich and diverse applications of  
cyber physical systems;
- to illustrate the subtleties of the formal modelling of the cyber  
physical systems;
- to present modern trends based on various concepts of concurrent  
hybrid systems.
Consequently, the tutorial will be structured in three sessions  
corresponding to each purpose.


The tutorial format is based on a multi-speaker format. The lectures  
will be presented by:
* Manuela Bujorianu (University of Manchester, UK) - coordinator,
* Mariken Everdij   (NLR Amsterdam, NL),
* Anne Remke        (University of Twente, NL) and
* Tino Teige        (Oldenburg University, DE)

Important dates

* Early registration deadline:  February 15, 2010
* Late registration deadline:   February 28, 2010
* Tutorial:                     March 21, 2010
* ETAPS:                        March 20-28, 2010

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