[agents] Masev (Multiagent System EValuation Framework)

María E García mgarcia at dsic.upv.es
Thu Jan 14 11:18:30 EST 2010

Masev is an evaluation framework that allows analyzing and comparing 
methods, techniques and environments for developing MAS.

The analysis process is implemented as a simple-web questionnaire. This 
fact simplifies the process and makes it fast. The analysis of a 
methodology, a modelling tool and an implementing tool can be done in 
less than 15 minutes.

How Masev can help you?
      ·   Masev allows comparing your approach with other methods, 
techniques and environments for developing MAS.
      ·   Masev allows obtaining users' opinions and detecting users' 
      ·   Masev can help you to detect lacks in your approach.
      ·   Masev is a mechanism to publish your approach.
      ·   The analysis can be updated at each moment, so the information 
that you publish will be never out of date.
      ·   Masev allows applying different metric values to obtain 
numerical results.
Some methods have already been analyzed. You can review their results in


We hope that the number of analysis will be increased in a few days. Be 
the next!
You only need to register yourself as a new user (less than 1 minutes) 
and access to Masev.


For further information, doubts, suggestions or if you want to know more 
about Masev send an email to mgarcia at dsic.upv.es

Thank you for your time.

Emilia Garcia

GTI-IA Grupo de Tecnología Informática - Inteligencia Artificial
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

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