[agents] 2nd CFP: 4th School-Workshop of Agent Systems, their Environments and Applications (WESAAC 2010)

gracaliz at gmail.com gracaliz at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 16:32:21 EST 2009

WESAAC 2010 – IV Workshop-Escola de Sistemas de Agentes, seus Ambientes e 

WESAAC 2010 – 4th School-Workshop of Agent Systems, their Environments and 

Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
April 19-22, 2010


The WESAAC 2010, in its fourtth edition, will be held in Rio Grande, RS, 
Brazil, at the Federal Univeristy of Rio Grande – FURG,
in April 19-22, 2010, locally organized by the Graduate Programme in 
Computational Modeling and supported by the Brazilian
Computer Society – SBC.

The main objective of WESAAC 2010 is to integrate researchers and all level 
students in the área of Agents and Agent Systems,
to promote the research activities of the several Brazilian Research Groups, 
allowing for knowledge exchanges.

For that, the event is composed by a combination of Talks and Practical 
Tutorials (the “school” part) by experts, and presentations
 of Full Papers and Extended Abstracts (the “workshop” part).

Extended versions of the 3 best papers presented at WESAAC 2010, selected by 
the Program Committee, will be published at
RITA – Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada 

Invited Speakers:

* Ana Bazzan (UFRGS):  “Multiagent Systems: where AI becomes more difficult”

* Andre Campos (UFRN): “Emotions and Personalities in Agentes”

* Jaime Sichman (USP): “Multiagent Systems: a perspective of 30 years of 

* Patrícia Tedesco (UFPE): “Implementing Teams of Synthetic Actors in 
Serious Games: the Vteam case”

Practical Tutorials:

* Ana Bazzan (UFRGS)/ Paulo Ferreira Jr. (UFPel): Swarm Intelligence

* Antonio Carlos da Rocha Costa (UCPel): NetLogo Environment and its 
Applications in Social Simulation

* Jomi Hubner (UFSC)/ Rafael Bordini (UFRGS):  Multiagent Systems 
Progamming: an approach for the development of environments,
agents, and their organizations

Paper Submission:

The papers submitted to WESAAC 2010 must describe work on some topic 
related to the definition and development of agent or agent
systems, such as (but not restricted to):

* Agents and collaborative environments;
* Agent system architecture;
* Conversational and interface agents;
* Agent systems for virtual communities;
* Agent systems and social networks;
* Pedagogical and psychological agent aspects;
* Organization of agent systems;
* Interaction supervising agents;
* Models of integration of agent systems;
* Specification and verification of agent systems;
* Evaluation of agent systems;
* Social simulation and agent-based simulation;
* Learning in agent systems;
* Decision-making in agent systems;
* Agents and computer games;
* Languages and programming environments for agent systems;
* Agent-oriented software engineering;
* Applications of agents and agent systems.

Paper Format:

Researchers, master, doctorate and undergraduate students are invited to 
submit papers in Portuguese or English in PDF format,
elaborated using the Latex SBC style, available at 
http://www.sbc.org.br/jbcs/guidelines.zip.  Papers that are not in this 
format may
be not be considered for publication.  The proceedings will be published 
electronically, with ISBN.

Submissions must be according to one of the two following formats:

* Full Papers, describing work with consolidated results: limit of 12-page 
lenght, for oral presentation.

* Extended Abstracts, describing ongoing work or initial proposals: limit of 
4-page lenght, for poster presentation.

The electronic submission must be through the JEMS system at:

Important Dates:

February 15, 2010 – Registration and submission deadline
March 15, 2010 – Notification of accepted papers
March 29, 2010 – Camera-ready deadline
April 02, 2010 – Deadline for author registration
April 19-22, 2010 – WESAAC 2010

Program Committee:

    * Adriana Soares Pereira (UNIFRA)
    * Adriano Velasque Werhli (FURG)
    * Alessandro de Lima Bicho (FURG)
    * Alexandre Moretto Ribeiro (UCS)
    * Ana Bazzan (UFRGS)
    * Ana Casali (UNR/Argentina)
    * Ana Carolina Bertoletti De Marchi (UPF)
    * Ana Cristina Bicharra (UFF)
    * Analia Amandi (ISISTAN/Argentina)
    * Anarosa Alves Franco Brandão (USP)
    * André Luis Alice Raabe (UNIVALI)
    * André Maurício Cunha Campos (UFRN)
    * Andréa Aparecida Konzen da Silva (UNIVALI)
    * Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa (UCPEL)
    * Carine Webber (UCS)
    * Cecília Dias Flores (UFCSPA)
    * Cesar Augusto Tacla (UTFPR)
    * César Tadeu Pozzer (UFSM)
    * Claudia Brandelero Rizzi (UNIOESTE)
    * Daniela Duarte da Silva Bagatini (UNISC)
    * Diana Adamatti (FURG)
    * Elisa Boff (UCS)
    * Eliseo Reategui (UFRGS)
    * Evandro Costa (UFAL)
    * Fabio Yoshimitsu Okuyama (FTEC)
    * Fred Freitas (UFPE)
    * Graçaliz Pereira Dimuro (FURG)
    * Gustavo Alberto Giménez Lugo (UTFPR)
    * Helder Coelho (UL/Portugal)
    * Jaime Sichman (USP)
    * João Balsa (UL/Portugal)
    * João Luis Tavares da Silva (UCS)
    * Jomi Fred Hübner (UFSC)
    * Jorge Luis Victória Barbosa (UNISINOS)
    * Leonardo Ramos Emmendorfer (FURG)
    * Luis Antunes (UL/Portugal)
    * Luis Otávio Álvares (UFRGS)
    * Magda Bercht (UFRGS)
    * Maíra Ribeiro Rodrigues (UFMG)
    * Marcelo Blois Ribeiro (PUCRS)
    * Márcia Cristina Moraes (PUCRS)
    * Marcos Eduardo Casa (UCS)
    * Maria das Graças Bruno Marietto (UFABC)
    * Maria de Fatima Weber do Prado Lima (UCS)
    * Michael da Costa Mora (PUCRS)
    * Nuno David (ISCTE/Portugal)
    * Patrícia Brandalise Scherer Bassani (FEEVALE)
    * Patrícia Alejandra Behar (UFRGS)
    * Patrícia Jaques (UNISINOS)
    * Patrícia Tedesco (UFPE)
    * Paulo Blikstein (Stanford University)
    * Paulo Trigo (ISEL/Portugal)
    * Paulo Roberto Ferreira Junior (UFPEL)
    * Rafael Heitor Bordini (UFRGS)
    * Raul Sidnei Wazlawick (UFSC)
    * Rejane Frozza (UNISC)
    * Ricardo José Rabelo (UFSC)
    * Ricardo Silveira (UFSC)
    * Rosa Vicari (UFRGS)
    * Silvia Maria Wanderley Moraes (PUCRS)
    * Sílvia Silva da Costa Botelho (FURG)
    * Silvio Cesar Cazella (UNISINOS)
    * Solange Rezende (USP)

General Chair:
Diana Francisca Adamatti, FURG
dianaadamatti at furg.br

Program Chair:
Gustavo Gimenez Lugo
gustavo at dainf.ct.utfpr.edu.br

Local Chair:
Graçaliz Pereira Dimuro, FURG
gracaliz at gmail.com

Graçaliz Pereira Dimuro

Centro de Ciências Computacionais
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Modelagem Computacional
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG
Av. Itália Km 08 Carreiros
96201-090 - Rio Grande, RS, Brazil
Telefone: +55 53 3233 - 6872


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