[agents] CfP: TAAS Special Issue on Pervasive Adaptation

Franco ZAMBONELLI franco.zambonelli at unimore.it
Mon Nov 23 03:23:15 EST 2009

Apologize if you receive multiple copies.
                       Call for Papers
     ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems
                      Special Issue on:


Pervasive Adaptation is concerned with models, tools, and technologies
to be used in pervasive information and communication systems that are
capable of autonomously adapting to highly dynamic contexts.
The successful development of future pervasive systems will increasingly
require handling complex interactions between intelligent objects,
computers, sensors and actuators, and intelligent objects of any kind.
The real challenge is to make such interactions fruitful, purposeful,
and secure, despite the constantly changing characteristics of the
environment (whether social, physical, or technical) in which such
systems will operate, in the absence of any centralized control,
and possibly even in the absence of a complete understanding of the
structure and micro-level functioning of these systems. Clearly, the
only way to approach this is to make systems able to adapt themselves
(at the level of individual components or at the collective level)
over situations and time, taking into account the overall emergent
behavior of the system, and possibly offensively exploit the context
dynamics to improve and evolve.

This special issues welcomes submissions on any topic related to
pervasive adaptation. Survey/tutorial papers focusing on a specific
topic of pervasive adaptation and aimed at framing the key concepts,
challenges, and related work on that topic, are particularly welcome.

Technical papers describing some original technical contribution are
equally welcomed, provided they contain enough introductory/survey
material to make the paper of general interest behind its specific
technical contribution.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
-	Adaptation and emergence in pervasive computing systems
-	Evolvability and adaptability in pervasive systems
-	Nature-inspired and socially-inspired paradigms for adaptable
	pervasive systems
-	Enforcing self-* properties in pervasive systems
-	Models, tools, middleware, and technologies, for pervasive
	society of artefacts
-	Innovative interfaces and interaction-models for pervasive
-	Adaptive models of trust and security for pervasive systems
-	Security models for networked societies of artifacts
-	Social/economical/energetic concerns for pervasive adaptation


Papers should be up to 10000 words, and formatted according to the
guidelines provided in the Authors section of the
ACM TAAS Web site (http://taas.acm.org/), and submitted through
manuscriptcentral, as specified in the ACM TAAS Web Site.
It is important to explicitly specify in the cover page
of the submission that it is intended as a submission to
the Pervasive Adaptation special issue.


Ben Paechter, Napier University (UK)
B.Paechter at napier.ac.uk

Franco Zambonelli, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy)
franco.zambonelli at unimore.it


Preliminary Title and Abstract Submission: December 15th, 2009
Submission Deadline: January 10th, 2010
Notifications: Spring, 2010
Special Issue Published: end of 2010.


Franco Zambonelli

Dipartimento di Scienze e Metodi dell'Ingegneria
Universita' di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Via G. Amendola 2 - 42100 Reggio Emilia - ITALY
Ph.: +39-0522-522215 -- Fax  +39-0522-522312
E-Mail: franco.zambonelli at unimore.it
Homepage: http://www.dismi.unimo.it/Zambonelli
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