[agents] New book: Multi-Agent Systems: Simulation and Applications
Danny Weyns
danny.weyns at cs.kuleuven.be
Mon Oct 5 05:33:29 EDT 2009
Edited by Adelinde M. Uhrmacher and Danny Weyns
CRC Press - Taylor and Francis Group
ISBN: 9781420070231 – 566 pages
The intersection of agents, modeling, simulation, and application
domains has been the subject of active research for over two decades.
Although agents and simulation have been used effectively in a variety
of application domains, much of the supporting research remains
scattered in the literature, too often leaving scientists to develop
multi-agent system (MAS) models and simulations from scratch.
Multi-Agent Systems: Simulation and Applications provides an overdue
review of the wide ranging facets of MAS simulation, including
methodological and application-oriented guidelines. This comprehensive
resource reviews two decades of research in the intersection of MAS,
simulation, and different application domains. It provides scientists
and developers with disciplined engineering approaches to modeling and
developing MAS-based simulations. After providing an overview of the
field’s history and its basic principles, as well as cataloging the
various simulation engines for MAS, the book devotes three sections to
current and emerging approaches and applications.
Simulation for MAS — explains simulation support for agent decision
making, the use of simulation for the design of self-organizing systems,
the role of software architecture in simulating MAS, and the use of
simulation for studying learning and stigmergic interaction.
MAS for Simulation — discusses an agent-based framework for symbiotic
simulation, the use of country databases and expert systems for
agent-based modeling of social systems, crowd-behavior modeling,
agent-based modeling and simulation of adult stem cells, and agents for
traffic simulation.
Tools — presents a number of representative platforms and tools for MAS
and simulation, including Jason, James II, SeSAm, and RoboCup Rescue.
Complete with over 200 figures and formulas, this reference book
provides the necessary overview of experiences with MAS simulation and
the tools needed to exploit simulation in MAS for future research in a
vast array of applications including home security, computational
systems biology, and traffic management.
Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation: A Survey from the Agent Community's
Fabien Michel, Jacques Ferber, and Alexis Drogoul
Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation: A Survey from an Application Perspective
Klaus G. Troitzsch
Simulation Engines for Multi-Agent Systems
Georgios K. Theodoropoulos, Rob Minson, Roland Ewald, and Michael Lees
Polyagents: Simulation for Supporting Agents' Decision Making
H. Van Dyke Parunak and Sven A. Brueckner
Combining Simulation and Formal Tools for Developing Self-Organizing MAS
Luca Gardelli, Mirko Viroli, and Andrea Omicini
On the Role of Software Architecture for Simulating Multi-Agent Systems
Alexander Helleboogh , Danny Weyns, and Tom Holvoet
Replicator Dynamics in Discrete and Continuous Strategy Spaces
Karl Tuyls and Ronald Westra
Stigmergic Cues and Their Uses in Coordination; An Evolutionary Approach
Luca Tummolini, Marco Mirolli, and Cristiano Castelfranchi
Challenges of Country Modeling with Databases, Newsfeeds, and Expert Surveys
Barry G. Silverman, Gnana K. Bharathy, and G. Jiyun Kim
Crowd Behavior Modeling: From Cellular Automata to Multi-Agent Systems
Stefania Bandini, Sara Manzoni, and Giuseppe Vizzari
Agents for Traffic Simulation
Arne Kesting, Martin Treiber, and Dirk Helbing
An Agent-Based Generic Framework for Symbiotic Simulation Systems
Heiko Aydt, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, and Malcolm Yoke Hean Low
Agent-Based Modeling of Stem Cells
Mark d'Inverno, Paul Howells, Sara Montagna, Ingo Roeder, and Rob Saunders
RoboCup Rescue: Challenges and Lessons Learned
Tomoichi Takahashi
Agent-Based Simulation Using BDI Programming in Jason
Rafael H. Bordini and Jomi F. Hübner
SeSAm: Visual Programming and Participatory Simulation for Agent-Based
Franziska Kluegl
JAMES II - Experiences and Interpretations
Jan Himmelspach and Mathias Rohl
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