[agents] 2009 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Contest - Call for Participation

ICDM'09 Publicity Chairs icdm09 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 17:24:05 EDT 2009

* 2009 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Contest *

* PBC Brain Connectivity Challenge
* 2009 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers International
Conference on Data Mining
* Pittsburgh Brain Competition Brain Connectivity Challenge

Brief summary:

The competition involves applying data mining to map the “cables of the
human brain” mapping ~300,000 fiber streamlines into

20-50 cables or tracts.   It involves two challenges 1) Supervised learning
to match the categorization of an expert, and 2)

Unsupervised learning of within and between subject segmentation.  A short
YouTube presentation details the competition

including illustrations of the fiber tracts.  Details are available at the
web site braincompetition.org.  All entrants will

be able to compare their scores relative to all the other completed
entrants.  Awards will be announced at ICDM December

2009.  They will include:  Supervised Learning Match Expert Award $2000
(US); Unsupervised Learning Within and Between

Subject Award; and possibly a Contest Crown Award (if a group scores top in
both award categories including $1000 and the

option to have the team leader have their brain scanned to create a fiber
map of their brain).

Key dates:
      Data training data available: Sept. 14, 2009
      Full data: Oct. 1, 2009
      Results due: Nov. 2, 2009
      Write-ups: Nov. 6, 2009

Important links:
      Competition website:    http://www.braincompetition.org
      Youtube Overview:        http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIDv4FLRg_4
      ICDM 2009:        http://www.cs.umbc.edu/ICDM09/
      Competition Full description:

Contact email: pbc(at)pitt.edu

This contest is sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh, Walter Schneider
competition director.

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