[agents] Announcement: Argumentation day at MALLOW 2009 10 september 2009, supported by COST Agreement Technologies Action IC0801

Guido Boella guido at di.unito.it
Wed Jul 29 18:34:39 EDT 2009

apologies for multiple postings, please distribute



Argumentation day at MALLOW, Turin September 10

at Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated Workshops 
in Torino on Thursday September 10 a one day event on new ideas in 
argumentation will be held.
The event will be supported by COST Agreement Technologies (Action 
IC0801 <http://www.agreement-technologies.eu/>).

The topic of the day will be new directions in argumentation, such as 
temporal dynamics, fibring of argumentation frameworks, modal logics of 
argumentation, modal provability foundations for argumentation, etc., as 
described by the papers published on the website.

The day will start with the MALLOW plenary session invited speaker Prof. 
Dov Gabbay

List of invited participants (to be completed):

Dov Gabbay, King's college, Bar-Ilan University and University of Luxembourg
Phan Minh Dung, Asian Institute of Technology
Leendert van der Torre, University of Luxembourg
Martin Caminada, University of Luxembourg
Leila Amgoud, IRIT
Piero Baroni, University of Brescia
Massimiliano Giacomin, University of Brescia
Fabio Paglieri, ISTC CNR
Nino Rotolo, University of Bologna
Serena Villata, University of Torino

The session is open for all members of COST AT and all MALLOW participants

Guido Boella and Leendert van der Torre

Questions can be sent to guido at di.unito.it

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