[agents] Proposals for book chapter on agents and health care
research at knockloudly.com
Mon Jul 20 01:30:53 EDT 2009
Updated CFPs
We are in the process of editing a book on:
(Tentative Title)
Systems in health care using Agents and Virtual Reality
Publisher: Springer-Verlag, Germany.
The book will present the latest research on all aspects of health care using agents and virtual reality.
The intention of this book is to provide a concise introduction to the particular topic for researchers in related fields. As such, each chapter must be complete within itself. Naturally, reference to additional or more advanced material is expected to be given in the reference section.
Proposals on all relevant topics are invited.
Co-authored chapters are welcome.
Approximate number of pages in each chapter - 15 to 50.
Publication date - 2009
Important Dates
15 August 2009: Authors are invited to submit summary (** half page **) of their proposed chapters as well as their 5 lines brief resume (CV) for the possible inclusion in the book.
16 August 2009: Acceptance decision.
30 November 2009: Draft chapters due
15 December 2009: Feedback to the authors
15 February 2010: Camera ready chapter due
We will be pleased to offer one complimentary copy to the corresponding (or the first listed author) of each chapter as a token of appreciation.
Please send your chapter proposal to the Editorial Team contact:
Dr. Sheryl Brahnam
Associate Professor
Missouri State University
Computer Information Systems
Glass Hall 387
901 South National Avenue
Springfield, MO 65804
Email: sbrahnam at facescience.org
Email:sbrahnam at missouristate.edu
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