[agents] COIN at MALLOW special session

Julian Padget jap at cs.bath.ac.uk
Fri Jul 3 10:35:54 EDT 2009

              *Special Session -- Call For Contributions*

                  Reports of Ongoing Research Projects
		   Communications of Work in Progress


The MALLOW Workshop on Coordination, Organization, Institutions and
Norms in Agent systems in On-line Communities (COIN)


will be held in

             Torino, IT, during week beginning 7th September, 2009

Invited speakers:
* Dov Gabbay (Kings, London)
* Alexandre Passant (DERI)

Feature sessions:
* Social semantic web working group (W3C - tbc)
* Argumentation (COST project - tbc)

We are aiming at an especially interactive meeting for this edition of
COIN, in place of the "presentation followed by questions" model of
conventional workshops.

We therefore invite *in addition to the standard paper submissions*
the submission of descriptions of on-going research projects and
reports on work in progress that relate to COIN topics, where the
inclusion of open problems is especially welcome as material to
stimulate discussion.

We would like to receive *two page* summaries, submitted via easychair
at http://www.easychair.org, formatted in IEEE style (as for standard
submissions, see details at above website).  The deadline for
submission is July 20th (reviews by 27th, camera ready by 31st).  All
the submissions will be reviewed, primarily for the purpose of
identifying issues that could contribute to the discussion at the
meeting, and feeding this information back to authors.  The summaries
will be included in the preliminary proceedings distributed at the

Extended versions (full papers) may be submitted for full review for
consideration for the 2009 COIN volume that will be published in the
Springer LNCS series.  Details will be provided in due course.

COIN @ MALLOW organizers:
Axel Polleres (DERI) - axel.polleres[AT]deri.org
Julian Padget (University of Bath) - jap[AT]cs.bath.ac.uk

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