[agents] Final CfP and Deadline Extension ESAW 2009 (Engineering Societies in the Agent's World

Virginia Dignum virginia at cs.uu.nl
Mon Jun 8 04:17:32 EDT 2009

FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS: ESAW 2009 "Engineering Societies in the Agents'
***** Deadline Extension: 17 June 2009 ******
(Note: paper registration required before 12 June 2009 to allow for
timely review assignments)




* Paper Registration Deadline: June 12, 2009
* Submission Deadline: June 17, 2009
* Acceptance/Rejection Notification:  July 10, 2009
* Revised Papers for Proceedings:  August 4, 2009
* Conference Dates: 18 - 20 November 2009 (Utrecht Univervity)



The ESAW proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNAI series
and will be directly available at the workshop.
Papers should not exceed 16 pages and should be formatted according to
the  Springer LNAI guidelines


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