[agents] Annual IEEE FIPA meeting

James Odell email at jamesodell.com
Tue May 5 15:40:31 EDT 2009

Annual IEEE FIPA meeting
13 May 2009, 16:00-17:00
AAMAS 2009, Budapest
The meeting will be held in the ³Rome² room and
is open to all (membership not required to attend)
See: http://www.conferences.hu/AAMAS2009/collocated_meetings.html
-Meeting Agenda-
16:00 ­ Welcome and FIPA status report  (Jim Odell, CSC and Stefan Poslad,
Queen Mary, University of London)
16:10 - Design Process Documentation and Fragmentation (DPDF WG)
presentation (Andrea Omicini, Universitá di Bologna)
16:20 - Application Specifications Working Group (AS WG) presentation (Magí
Lluch i Ariet, MicroArt )
16:30 ­ Agent standardization* ­ overview and current status of joint OMG
and FIPA work (Jim Odell, CSC)
16:45 ­ Discussion period
17:00 ­ Adjourn
*FIPA is currently working with the OMG on agent standardization, including
an SOA standard that includes agents (SoaML) and an agent metamodel and
profile (AMP).

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