[agents] AAMAS-09 Final call for participation

Simon Miles simon.miles at kcl.ac.uk
Mon Apr 13 14:58:40 EDT 2009

Call for Participation


May 10 - 15, 2009
Budapest, Hungary


REGISTRATION: The online registration deadline, April 20, 2009, is approaching.

PROGRAM: The full finalised program is now available from the website.
 The invited speakers are Manuela M. Veloso (Wednesday), Klaus G.
Troitzsch (Thursday), and Michael N. Huhns (Friday), as well as Ariel
Procaccia, winner of the IFAAMAS-08 Victor Lesser Distinguished
Dissertation Award (Thursday).

STUDENT TUTORIAL GRANTS: A limited number of waivers of tutorial
registration fees are available for students who were not able to
register for the tutorial of their interest due to shortage of funds.
Please see the website above for details.

AAMAS is the leading scientific conference for research in autonomous
agents and multiagent systems.  AAMAS-09 is the eighth conference in
the AAMAS series, and will be held at the Europa Congress Center,
Budapest, Hungary.

The conference includes expert panel discussions on Agent Oriented
Methodologies and Programming Languages (Wednesday) and Theoretical
Foundations for Agents and MAS (Thursday), as well as a wide range of
advanced workshops and tutorials, a demonstration track for
implemented systems, software, or robot prototypes; and an industry
track for descriptions of industrial applications of agents.

The conference will be held from Sunday May 10th until Friday May
15th, 2009.  Tutorials, workshops and the doctoral consortium will be
held on Sunday May 10th to Tuesday May 12th, 2009.  Accepted technical
papers and invited talks will be presented from Wednesday May 13th to
Friday May 15th, 2009.

General Chairs:
Carles Sierra, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute of the
Spanish Research Council (Spain)
Cristiano Castelfranchi, ISTC-CNR (Italy)

Program Chairs:
Jaime Simão Sichman, Politecnic School, University of São Paulo (Brazil)
Keith S. Decker, Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences,
University of Delaware (USA)

Local Organization Chair:
Lászlo Zsolt Varga, Computer and Automation Research Institute,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary)

Workshop Chair:
Gal A. Kaminka, Bar Ilan University (Israel)

Tutorial Chair:
Mehdi Dastani, Intelligent Systems Group, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)

Exhibits and Demo Chairs:
Paolo Giorgini, University of Trento, Povo (Trento) (Italy)
Danny Weyns, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)

Doctoral Mentoring Chair:
Stacy Marsella,  ISI - Marina del Rey,CA (USA)

Publicity Chair:
Simon Miles, Kings College London, (United Kingdom)

Registration, Local Finance and Publication Chair:
Gusztáv Hencsey, Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian
Academy of Sciences (Hungary)

Sponsorship Chairs:
H. Van Dyke Parunak, TechTeam Government Solutions, Inc. (USA)
Hideyuki Nakashima, Future University - Hakodate, (Japan)

Student Scholarships:
Maria Gini, University of Minnesota (USA)

Wiebe van der Hoek (UK)
Timothy Norman (UK)

Experimental Systems/Architectures:
Edmund Durfee (USA)
Katia Sycara (USA)

Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni (France)
Gerhard Weiss (Germany)

Jeffrey Kephart (USA)
Danny Weyns (Belgium)

Artificial Intelligence:
Helder Coelho (Portugal)
Jose Vidal (USA)

Distributed Systems:
Michael Huhns (USA)
Tim Finin (USA)

Sarit Kraus (Israel)
Tuomas Sandholm (USA)

Silvia Coradeschi (Sweden)
Erol Sahin (Turkey)

Social/Management Sciences:
Rosaria Conte (Italy)
Les Gasser (USA)

Biologically-Inspired Approaches:
Marie-Pierre Gleizes (France)
Radhika Nagpal (USA)

(Virtual) Agents:
Ana Paiva (Portugal)
Helmut Prendinger (Japan)

Victor Lesser (USA)
Andrea Omicini (Italy)

Frank Dignum (The Netherlands)
Sandip Sen (USA)

Social / Organizational Structure:
Olivier Boissier (France)
Virginia Dignum (The Netherlands)

Jean-Pierre Muller (France)
Thomas  Wagner (USA)

Thomas Agotnes (Norway)
Elisabeth Andre (Germany)
Luis Antunes (Portugal)
Olivier Boissier (France)
Sven Brueckner (USA)
Helder Coelho (Portugal)
Rosaria Conte (Italy)
Silvia Coradeschi (Sweden)
Stephen Cranefield (New Zealand)
Mathijs de Weerdt (The Netherlands)
Yves Demazeau (France)
Marie desJardins (USA)
Frank Dignum (The Netherlands)
Virginia Dignum (The Netherlands)
Juergen Dix (Germany)
Alexis Drogoul (Vietnam)
Barbara Dunin-Keplicz (Poland)
Edmund Durfee (USA)
Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni (France)
Maria Fasli (UK)
Tim Finin (USA)
Klaus Fischer (Germany)
Les Gasser (USA)
Marie-Pierre Gleizes (France)
Jomi Fred Hubner (Brazil)
Michael Huhns (USA)
Toru Ishida (Japan)
Catholijn Jonker (The Netherlands)
Jeffrey Kephart (USA)
Franziska Klugl (Germany)
Sarit Kraus (Israel)
Victor Lesser (USA)
Pedro Lima (Portugal)
Jean-Pierre Muller (France)
Radhika Nagpal (USA)
Pablo Noriega (Spain)
Timothy Norman (UK)
James Odell (USA)
Andrea Omicini (Italy)
Sascha Ossowski (Spain)
Lin Padgham (Australia)
Ana Paiva (Portugal)
Mario Paolucci (Italy)
Jeremy Pitt (UK)
Helmut Prendinger (Japan)
Erol Sahin (Turkey)
Tuomas Sandholm (USA)
Paul Scerri (USA)
Sandip Sen (USA)
Onn Shehory (Israel)
Yoav Shoham (Israel)
Leon Sterling (Australia)
Katia Sycara (USA)
Milind Tambe (USA)
Wiebe van der Hoek (UK)
Wamberto Vasconcelos (UK)
Jose Vidal (USA)
Thomas Wagner (USA)
Gerhard Weiss (Germany)
Danny Weyns (Belgium)
Makoto Yokoo (Japan)
Pinar Yolum (Turkey)

Dr Simon Miles
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science
Kings College London, WC2R 2LS, UK
+44 (0)20 7848 1166

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