[agents] Extended Deadline BASeWEB'09: Business Agents and the Semantic WebWorkshop @ AAMAS 2009

Fasli, Maria mfasli at essex.ac.uk
Sun Feb 1 12:57:49 EST 2009

Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.

Due to a number of requests we decided to extend the deadline of the workshop to FEBRUARY 9.

Business Agents and the Semantic Web Workshop (BASeWEB'09)

http://dces.essex.ac.uk/staff/mfasli/eventorganisation/BASeWEB-09/BASeWEB-09.htm <http://dces.essex.ac.uk/staff/mfasli/eventorganisation/BASeWEB-09/BASeWEB-09.htm>  ***************************************************************************************************************

May 10 or 11 2009 - Budapest, Hungary
held in conjunction with AAMAS 2009

Deadline: February 9th, 2009

With the advent of the World Wide Web and in an increasingly interconnected
and networked world, more and more individuals and organizations choose to
do business online. E-business increasingly uses agents and Web Services in
a variety of contexts. Agents are semi-autonomous continuously running
software entities that can conduct business on behalf of their
users - organizations, or individuals buyers and sellers. Agents can use
Web Services to provide new functionality or improved services to their
users. For instance, agents can employ Web services to acquire, aggregate
and compare product information on products and services from vendors.
Such Business Agents can profit from the machine-interpretable product
and service descriptions provided by the Semantic Web. The main goal of
the workshop is to bring together researchers working on E-business,
Agents, Web Systems and the Semantic Web to explore novel uses of AI
techniques in the Web and extending Web techniques by using AI.


All topics related to agents and e-business are welcome. Topics of interest include,
but are not restricted to:

- Semantic Web approaches and architectures
- Semantic Web services
- Web agents for producers and consumers
- E-business architectures in the Semantic Web
- Business agent architectures
- Knowledge management and e-business agents
- Product and service codes/registries (e.g., UNSPSC/UDDI)
- Description logics and web ontologies
- Extended Horn logics and rule markup techniques (e.g., RuleML)
- Application areas for rules (e.g., P3P, XACML, ebXML, DRM, etc.)
- Belief logics and planning for multiple agents
- Rule Systems for Business Agents
- Negotiation (bargaining, auctions and trust)
- Inference engines: deduction and induction
- Distributed deduction for the Semantic Web
- Natural language interfaces for business agents
- Adaptive business agents
- Web service composition and choreography
- Machine learning for adaptive systems and user modeling
- Human-business agent interaction/cooperation
- Lessons learned from implemented systems


The workshop will mainly consist of presentations of submitted works, and a
discussion on a particular topic (tbc) towards the end of the workshop.


Original papers that address the above and other related topics are invited.
Interested authors should follow the AAMAS guidelines to format their papers.
The paper length is restricted to 8 pages. Papers should be sent by email to
baseweb09 at essex.ac.uk with the subject line "BASeWEB'09 paper submission",
no later than 1st February 2009. Submitted papers must be pdf files. If you
have any queries, please email baseweb09 at essex.ac.uk.

The papers will be reviewed by the program committee members. All accepted
papers will be included into the workshop notes and their authors will be
invited to the workshop. The main criteria of this selection are originality,
contribution, clarity, as well as to cover a broad variety of concepts
and the contribution to the goals stated above. To facilitate a lively
and interesting discussion, we will try to make all the papers available
to the participants of the workshop before the workshop takes place.
Workshop organizers can submit paper(s) subject to the following extra
conditions:  Papers will be submitted blind, i.e. given a double-blind
review. None of the reviewers of those papers will be organizers of the


Deadline for receipt of papers              February 9th, 2009
Notification to authors                         March 1st, 2009
Deadline for camera ready papers        March 15th, 2009
Workshop                                          May 10th or 11th, 2009


We intend to organize a special issue based on the BASeWEB'09 workshop
submissions in the IOS Multi-agent and Grid Systems Journal. All authors will
be invited to extend their papers for submission to this special issue. Revised
papers from previous editions of this workshop have resulted in:
- A special issue of Computational Intelligence Vol. 18, No. 4. November 2002
- Two special sections of Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,
Vol. 2,  No. 4, Winter 2003 and Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring 2004
- A special issue of Computational Intelligence Vol. 20, No. 4. November 2004
- A special issue in the International Journal of Information Technology and
Web Engineering (ITWE) for extended and revised versions of papers presented
at BASeWEB 2006, Volume 2, Number 4, October 2007


Maria Fasli, University of Essex, UK
Ali Ghorbani, UNB, Fredericton, Canada
Scott Buffett, NRC, Fredericton, Canada
Bruce Spencer, NRC, Fredericton, Canada


Maria Fasli, University of Essex, UK
Ali Ghorbani, UNB, Fredericton, Canada
Scott Buffett, NRC, Fredericton, Canada
Bruce Spencer, NRC, Fredericton, Canada
Said Tabet, Macgregor, Boston, USA


Ansgar Bernardi, DFKI GmbH, Gernany

Ralph Deters, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada

Hamada Ghenniwa, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Sandy Liu, National Research Council, Canada

Stephen Marsh, NRC Institute for Information Technology, Canada

Thomas Tran, University of Ottawa, Canada

Rainer Unland, University of Duisburg-Essen, ICB, Germany

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