[agents] Call for Papers and Participation - The 2nd UAE Symposium on Web Services

Zakaria Maamar Zakaria.Maamar at zu.ac.ae
Wed Jan 28 01:59:57 EST 2009

Call for Papers & Participation 
The 2nd UAE Symposium on Web Services
Zayed University, Dubai, U.A.E
April 15-16, 2009
Web services are emerging as a major technology for deploying automated
interactions between distributed and heterogeneous enterprise applications. 
Various standards support this deployment including WSDL, UDDI, and SOAP. 
These standards support respectively the definition of Web services, their 
advertisement to potential users, and finally their binding for invocation 
requirements. In general, composing Web services rather than accessing 
a single Web service is essential and provides better benefits to users.
The 2008 edition of the symposium (http://www.zu.ac.ae/wss2008/index.html) 
attracted a good number of participants from both communities academia and 
industry. The program in 2008 was based on five keynote presentations 
(Dr. M. Papazoglou (Tilburg University, The Netherlands), Dr. H. Maya (SAP, Germany), 
D. Martin (SRI, USA), Dr. L. D. Martino (Purdue University, USA), 
and A. Shehada (IBM, UAE)) by panel sessions. The 2009 edition will feature 
this time keynote presentations, paper presentations, and demonstrations. 
For paper submission, topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Standards for Web services
Semantic Web services
Context-aware Web services
Composition approaches for Web services
Security of Web services
Software agents for Web services composition
Policies and Web services
Applications of Web services to E-business and E-government
Supporting enterprise application integration with Web services
Submission, Important Dates, & Registration
Submitted papers should be about 2500 words including references and 
figures (approx. 4 to 5 pages). The papers should be sent no later than 
March 2, 2009 to fahim.akhter at zu.ac.ae. All papers will be reviewed 
on the basis of relevance, clarity and technical quality.
Submission Deadline: March 2, 2009
Author Notification: March 16, 2009
Camera Ready Submission Deadline: March 31, 2009
Registration for paper presentation and inclusion in the proceedings: April 3, 2009
The symposium will be followed by a special issue in the International 
Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR, http://www.igi-pub.com/ijebr)

Symposium officers: Fahim Akhter (point of contact), Emad Bataineh, 
Leon Jololian, and Zakaria Maamar, College of Information Technology, 
Zayed University, Dubai, U.A.E.

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