[agents] Call for IJCAI-09 workshops, tutorials, and papers (REVISED)

Craig Boutilier cebly at cs.toronto.edu
Thu Sep 25 06:53:16 EDT 2008


The IJCAI-09 Conference Committee is pleased to announce that the
Call for Participation for the IJCAI-09 technical program, workshops,
and tutorials is now available at http://ijcai-09.org/.

The theme of IJCAI-09, which will be held July 11-17, 2009, in Pasadena,
California, is "The Interdisciplinary Reach of Artificial Intelligence,"
with a focus on the broad impact of artificial intelligence on science,
engineering, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. IJCAI-09 is
sponsored jointly by IJCAI and AAAI.

Please note the following important deadlines on your calendar:

* Tutorial proposal submission: October 13, 2008 (11:59PM, PDT)
* Workshop proposal submission: October 13, 2008 (11:59PM, PDT)
* Electronic abstract submission: January 7, 2009 (11:59PM, PST)
* Electronic paper submission: January 12, 2009 (11:59PM, PST)
* Workshop paper submission: March 6, 2009 (11:59PM, PST)
* Author feedback period: March 17-20, 2009 (11:59PM, PDT)
* Author notification of acceptance/rejection: March 31, 2009
* Camera-ready copy due: April 14, 2009 (11:59PM, PDT)
* Workshops: July 11-13, 2009
* Tutorials: July 12-13, 2009
* Technical sessions: July 13-17, 2009

For complete information regarding any of the IJCAI-09 or collocated
programs, please see
http://ijcai-09.org/. For general inquiries, please contact us at
ijcai09 at aaai.org.

We look forward to your participation in IJCAI-09!


Conference Chair
Hiroaki Kitano (Sony Computer Laboratories, Inc. and The Systems Biology
Institute, Japan)

Program Chair
Craig Boutilier (University of Toronto)
pcchair09 at ijcai.org

Tutorial Chair
Ronen Brafman (Ben-Gurion University)
brafman at cs.bgu.ac.il

Workshop Chair
Sylvie Thiebaux (The Australian National University/National ICT Australia)
ijcaiworkshops09 at aaai.org

Local Arrangements Chair
Richard Doyle (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
local09 at ijcai.org

IJCAI Secretariat
Samy Uthurasamy (General Motors Research)
Vesna Sabljakovic-Fritz (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

General Inquiries and Registration
Carol Hamilton (AAAI)
ijcai09 at aaai.org

Craig Boutilier
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M5S 3G4
Email: cebly [at] cs [dot] toronto [dot] edu
Phone: +1 (416) 946-5714
Fax: +1 (416) 978-1455
WWW: http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~cebly

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