[agents] CFP: ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2009)
Mirko Viroli
mirko.viroli at unibo.it
Wed Jul 2 04:12:59 EDT 2008
*** Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement ***
The 24th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
8 - 12 March 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
For the past twenty-three years, the ACM Symposium
on Applied Computing has been a primary gathering
forum for applied computer scientists, computer
engineers, software engineers, and application
developers from around the world. SAC 2009 is
sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on
Applied Computing (SIGAPP), and is hosted by
University of Hawaii at Manoa and Chaminade
University of Honolulu.
Authors are invited to submit original papers in all
areas of experimental computing and application
development for the technical program via the various
tracks hosted by SAC 2009. Submissions fall into the
following categories:
* Original and unpublished research work
* Reports of innovative computing applications in
the arts, sciences, engineering, and business
* Reports of successful technology transfer to new
problem domains
* Reports of industrial experience and demos of
new innovative systems
Peer groups with expertise in the track focus area will
blindly review submissions to that track. Accepted
papers will be published by ACM in the annual conference
proceedings, and will be available through the ACM
Digital Library. Submission guidelines can be found on
SAC 2009 Website (on the header).
Prospective papers should be submitted per track using
the provided automated submission system.
Submission of the same paper to multiple tracks is not
allowed. For all tracks, papers must be submitted using
the ACM style for conference papers, and must be at most
5 pages (up to three further pages are allowed but will
be charged 80USD each at registration time).
An early registration will be required for each
accepted paper in order for the paper to be included
in the proceedings.
At least one author is REQUIRED to present the paper
at the Symposium. SAC is keeping a record of authors
who fail to comply with this requirement, and reserves
the right to restrict their level of participation in
future editions of SAC.
For more information please visit the SAC 2009 Website.
Aug. 16, 2008: Paper submissions (strict deadline)
Oct. 11, 2008: Author notification
Oct. 25, 2008: Camera-Ready Copy
(find the track websites through SAC 2009 Website)
ACC, Autonomic and Cloud Computing
AOMP, Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Methodologies and Processes
APSLA, Agent-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications
ASIIS, Advances in Spatial and Image-based Information Systems
AT, Agreement Technologies
BIO, Bioinformatics
CAHC, Computer Applications in Health Care
CF, Computer Forensics
CIIA, Computational Intelligence and Image Analysis
CM, Coordination Models, Languages and Applications
CN, Computer Networks
CS, Computational Sciences
CSP, Constraint Solving and Programming
DADS, Dependable and Adaptive Distributed Systems
DM, Data Mining
DS, Data Streams
DTTA, Database Theory, Technology, and Applications
EC, Applications of Evolutionary Computation
EIS, Enterprise Information Systems
EMBS, Embedded Systems
GCR, Geometric Constraints and Reasoning
HCI, Human Computer Interaction
IAR, Information Access and Retrieval
ROBOT, Intelligent Robotic Systems
MCA, Mobile Computing and Applications
MMV, Multimedia and Visualization
OE, Organizational Engineering
OOPS, Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Systems
OS, Operating Systems
PL, Programming Languages
PSC, Programming for Separation of Concerns
RE, Requirements Engineering
LEARN, Relational Learning
RTS, Real-Time Systems
SE, Software Engineering
SEC, Computer Security
SIM, Advances in Computer Simulation
SOAP, Service-Oriented Architectures and Programming
SOPDS, Self Organization in Pervasive Distributed Systems
SVT, Software Verification and Testing
SWA, The Semantic Web and Applications
TRECK, Trust, Reputation, Evidence and other Collaboration Know-how
UAS, Universally-Accessible Systems
WSN, Wireless sensor networks
WT, Web Technologies
Chaminade University of Honolulu
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Conference Chairs
Sascha Ossowski
University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
sascha.ossowski at urjc.es
Sung Y. Shin
South Dakota State University, USA
sung.shin at sdstate.edu
Conference Vice-Chair
Paulo Martins
Chaminade University, USA
pmartins at chaminade.edu
Program Chairs
Ronaldo Menezes
Florida Institute of Technology, USA
rmenezes at cs.fit.edu
Mirko Viroli
Università di Bologna, Italy
mirko.viroli at unibo.it
Posters Chair
Jiman Hong
Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea
jiman at ssu.ac.kr
Local Arrangement Chair
Martha Crosby
University of Hawaii
crosby at hawaii.edu
Publication Chair
Dongwan Shin
New Mexico Tech
doshin at nmt.edu
Tutorial Chairs
Paulo Martins
Chaminade University, USA
pmartins at chaminade.edu
Luz Quiroga
University of Hawaii
lquiroga at hawaii.edu
Publicity Chair
Udo Fritzke
PUC-Minas, Brazil
udo at pucpcaldas.br
Hisham Haddad
Kennesaw State University
hhaddad at kennesaw.edu
Steering Committee
Barrett Bryant
University of Alabama At Birmingham
Hisham Haddad
Kennesaw State University
Roger Wainwright
University of Tulsa
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