[agents] Special Issue on Artificial Evolution Methods in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications

Stefano Cagnoni cagnoni at foresto.ce.unipr.it
Sat Jun 28 14:18:10 EDT 2008


			   Special issue on

Artificial Evolution Methods in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences		  

 ***************** DEADLINE  :   1 OCTOBER  2008 *******************


The  biological  and biomedical  sciences  are  facing an  information
explosion  and an  understanding implosion.  That is,  our  ability to
generate  information about  biological systems  is far  outpacing our
ability to  make sense of  it. Computational intelligence  methods are
needed   now  more   than  ever   to  facilitate   the   analysis  and
interpretation of mountains of data.

This  special  issue  of  the  Journal  of  Artificial  Evolution  and
Applications  will focus  on recent  advances in  artificial evolution
methods  such  as  agent-based  modeling, artificial  immune  systems,
estimation   of  distribution  algorithms,   evolutionary  algorithms,
genetic  algorithms, genetic programming,  and swarm  intelligence for
solving complex problems in the biological and biomedical sciences.

The aim  is to  attract papers that  present new  artificial evolution
methods  with  application  to  biological  and  biomedical  data  and
problems. Of particular interest are papers that analyze or model real
data, that  address the hierarchical complexity  of biological systems
and  that  provide  a  biological interpretation  and/or  experimental
validation of the results.

Topics include (but are not limited to):

    * Data mining in biological or biomedical databases
    * Diagnostic or predictive testing in epidemiology and genetics
    * Functional diversification through gene duplication 
      and exon shuffling
    * Gene expression and regulation, alternative splicing
    * Genetic association studies
    * Haplotype and linkage disequilibrium analysis
    * Image analysis and pattern recognition
    * Metabolomics and metabolic control analysis
    * Microarray analysis
    * Network reconstruction and modeling
    * Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis
    * Phylogenetic reconstruction and analysis
    * Relationships between evolved systems and their environment 
      (e.g., phylogeography)
    * Relationships within evolved communities (cooperation, 
      coevolution, symbiosis, etc.)
    * Sensitivity of speciation to variations in 
      evolutionary processes
    * Sequence alignment and analysis
    * Simulation of cells, viruses, organisms, and whole ecologies
    * Structure prediction for biological molecules 
      (structural biology)
    * Systems biology

Authors  should  follow  the   Journal  of  Artificial  Evolution  and
Applications   manuscript  format  described   at  the   journal  site
http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jaea/.   Prospective   authors  should
submit  an electronic copy  of their  complete manuscript  through the
journal   Manuscript  Tracking   System   at  http://mts.hindawi.com/,
according to the following timetable:

Submission: OCTOBER 1, 2008
First round of reviews: January 1, 2009
Tentative publication date: Spring 2009

To submit a manuscript to this special issue, please use the
manuscript tracking system available at


You will need to register as an author before you can submit a
paper. Once, you have done that, log in into the system and click on
"Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications". Then click on
"Author activities" and then on "Submit a new manuscript". Then tick
the four boxes (headed "Authors Contact Information", "Policy on
Plagiarism and Duplicate Publication", "Manuscript Preparation", "Open
Access") and click "Accept". You will be presented with a form where
you can enter title, etc. Under the drop down list "Special/Regular
Issue" please select "". The rest
should be self explanatory.


Journal  of Artificial  Evolution  and Applications  (JAEA)  is a  new
journal  which aims  at  being  a reference  for  all researchers  and
practitioners who  study the  theory and application  of methodologies
pertaining to Evolutionary Computation and related fields.

The journal  has a  prestigious advisory board  including some  of the
fathers of  our field and  an international editorial board  of highly
visible and respected researchers led by an young and energetic editor
in chief (see http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jaea/editors.html).

JAEA has an open access publication policy, meaning that articles will
be freely available  for all to download. The  publisher will normally
charge a  400 Euro flat fee  in return, independent  of the manuscript

For more information,  feel free to approach one  of the guest editors
(see below).


Janet Clegg, 
Department of Electronics, 
The University of York, York YO10 5DD, UK

Jason H. Moore, 
Department of Genetics, 
Dartmouth College, Lebanon, NH 03756, USA

Marylyn Ritchie, 
Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, 
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232, USA

Stephen Smith, 
Department of Electronics, 
The University of York, York YO10 5DD, UK

Elena Marchiori, 
Faculty of Science, University of Nijmegen, 
Postbus 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, The Netherlands

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