[agents] CfP KI-Workshop "Agent-Based Simulation - from Cognitive Modelling to Engineering Practice"
Franziska Klügl
kluegl at informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de
Thu Jun 19 05:08:32 EDT 2008
Agent-Based Simulation
from Cognitive Modelling to Engineering Practice
Workshop at the 31th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI-2008)
Sept. 23-26, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Full Paper Submission: July, 7th 2008
Notifications of acceptance/rejection: July, 21th, 2008
Camera Ready Version: August, 10th, 2008
Workshop Date: September, 23th, 2008
Constructing and executing an agent-based model provides many advantages
in comparison to traditional simulation approaches. Increased degrees of
freedom in model design, possibilities of modelling behaviour in restricted,
heterogeneous geographical and temporal context, etc. are only partial
aspects of its great potential. Thus with agent-based simulation, means
are available to actually test cognitive models of human decision making
in an adequately rich, simulated environment.
These efforts may finally result in detailed cognitive models that are
grounded in reproducible, practical experience,
in addition to abstract hypotheses and theories of cognition.
On the other side, in the agent-based simulation community the need for
well-defined and reliable cognitive models is growing as complex human
behaviour has to be reproduced in real-world applications. Abstract
models based on rational optimization, and/or game-theoretic
models are not sufficient any more, if complex decision making in urban
space has to be modelled for enhanced pedestrian simulations, or if
complex dynamics of team work are to be reproduced.
This workshop aims at bringing these two communities together,
demonstrating the current state of art
in both research directions. We intend to discuss questions such as
* Why does cognitive science need good engineering practice in
agent-based simulation?
* Why do real-world applications of agent-based models really need
complex agent models?
* How to solve the problem of missing adequate data for empirical
validation of such complex agent models?
* How to determine whether a model is cognitively adequate or even "valid"?
* Can agent-based simulations offer a viable path from single-agent
cognitive models to
multi-agent cognitive models?
We therefore especially invite position papers on the above mentioned
questions for discussion at the workshop. We plan to allow for time
slots of at least 30 min per presentation to encourage discussion. As a
contribution to the state of the art, we welcome papers describing
completed research, work in progress reports as well as problem
descriptions with respect to the following topics.
* Examples of agent-based models of human behavior in need of
cognitive models
* Examples for cognitive theories that might be testable or usable
for agent-based simulations
* Validation and evaluation issues in cognitive modeling and
agent-based simulation
* Implementation issues
* Methodological aspects of cognitive modeling and agent-based
simulation * Models of human perception, reasoning and action
* Specific areas of application such as strategies of spatial
orientation and navigation
Invited Talk
we are happy to announce an invited talk given by Prof. Dr. Harald
Schaub (IABG mbh).
He is one of the pioneers of systematically using simulation -- also
multi-agent settings --
for psychological experimentation.
Full contributions should not exceed 8 pages in LNCS style. We also
welcome position papers of 4-6 pages length. All papers must be
written in English. Submissions should be sent by email to all three
workshop organizers with "KI Workshop Submission" as subject. All
papers will be available at the workshop in printed form. Depending on
the particular focus of the papers and/or on the outcomes of the
discussions at the workshop, we are considering some
form of post-publication.
Franziska Klügl
Künstliche Intelligenz und Angewandte Informatik, Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg
Tel.: 0931/888 6742
Sabine Timpf
Geoinformatik, Universität Augsburg
Universitätsstr. 10, 86135 Augsburg
Tel.: 0821/5982313
Ute Schmid
Angewandte Informatik insb. Kognitive Systeme,
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Feldkirchenstraße 21, D-96052 Bamberg
Tel.: 0951/863 2860
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