[agents] Call for Book Proposals

Zakaria Maamar Zakaria.Maamar at zu.ac.ae
Wed Jun 11 03:50:50 EDT 2008

  ********************* AmPI **************************
             C A L L   F O R   B O O K    P R O P O S A L S
                Atlantis Ambient and Pervasive Intelligence
                               ISSN: 1875-7669
********************* Overview **********************
Ambient and pervasive intelligence is a vision of the future where computers and computing devices will be available naturally and unobtrusively anywhere, anytime, and by different means in our daily living, working, learning, business, infotainment environments. Such a vision opens tremendous opportunities for numerous novel services/applications that are more immersive, more intelligent, and more interactive in both real and cyber spaces. The goal of this book series is to provide students, researchers, instructors, developers, engineers, innovators, research strategists and IT-managers with the highest quality titles in the fields of Pervasive Computing, Mixed Reality, Wearable Computing, Location-Aware Computing, Ambient Interfaces, Tangible Interfaces, Smart Environments, Intelligent Interfaces, Software Agents and others.
********************* Scope and Coverage *************************
The series is seeking high quality, original and comprehensive edited or authored text books, lecture notes, conferences' proceedings, monographs, case studies on topics leveraging all aspects of ambient and pervasive intelligence with related theories, technologies, methods, applications, and services on ubiquitous, pervasive, AmI, universal, mobile, universal, embedded, wearable, augmented, invisible, hidden, context-aware, calm, amorphous, sentient, proactive, post PC, everyday, autonomic computing from all engineering, business and organizational perspectives. Topics to be covered by the series include Embedded Systems, Ambient Networking and Intelligent Services, Ubiquitous/multi-modal Interaction and Intelligent Management, Smart Objects and Smart Environments, Context-aware Computing, Sensor Networks, Distributed software, systems, middleware and frameworks for Ambient Intelligence, Analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of pervasive computing systems and environments, and Communication systems and infrastructure for pervasive intelligence. The series also emphasizes related challenges including technical, social, legal and ethical issues of ambient and pervasive intelligence.
********************* Editorial Team *********************
Ismail Khalil Ibrahim, Institute of Telecooperation, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria.
Associate Editors
* Stephane Bressan, National University of Singapore, Singapore
* Dr. Gabriele Kotsis, Johannes Kepler, University Linz, Austria
* Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan
* Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
* Stephane Olariu, Old Dominion, University, USA
* Albrecht Schmidt, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
* David Taniar, Monash University, Australia
********************* Prospective Authors/Editors *********************
If you have an idea for an edited or authored text book, lecture notes, conferences' proceedings, monographs, case studies which would fit in this series, we would welcome the opportunity to review your proposal. Each proposal will be reviewed by the Series Editor and/or associate editors with additional reviews from independent reviewers where appropriate. Final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews and assessment of the publisher, Atlantis Press.
********************* Contact *********************
Ismail Khalil Ibrahim
Institute of Telecooperation
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Strasse 69
A-4040 Linz, Austria
Tel: +43 732 2468 9888
Fax: +43 732 2468 9829
Email: ismail at tk.uni-linz.ac.at
********************* About the Publisher *********************
Founded in 2006 and based in Paris and Amsterdam, Atlantis Press is a new scientific publishing company aiming at serving the scientific and intellectual community by providing the best infrastructure for researchers to get their work published, referenced, found and read. Atlantis Press adheres to the principles of Open Access and Creative Commons. Atlantis Press aims at providing world-class services to authors, editors, conference organisers and readers by offering up-to-date services they may expect from a professional publisher. Atlantis Press publishes high quality, peer-reviewed conference articles, journals and books, both in print and in electronic format on the Internet. Books will be published in print at prices affordable not only for institutions but also for individual scholars and students. Through its co-publishing agreement with WorldScientific, a world-wide promotion and sales of the books published with Atlantis Press is guaranteed. 

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