[agents] DEON'08 and NorMAS 2008 Call for participation

Ron van der Meyden meyden at cse.unsw.edu.au
Thu May 29 09:27:44 EDT 2008

                Ninth International Conference on 
               Deontic Logic in Computer Science (DEON'08)


                3rd International Workshop on
              Normative Multiagent Systems (NorMAS 2008)

                  Luxembourg, 15-18 July, 2008

                    Call for Participation
              ** Early registration deadline: June 10 ** 

                        DEON'08 (July 16-18)   

The biennial DEON conferences are designed to promote interdisciplinary
cooperation amongst scholars interested in linking the formal-logical
study of normative concepts and normative systems with computer science,
artificial intelligence, philosophy, organisation theory and law. In
addition to these general themes, DEON2008 includes a special
focus on the topic *Security and Trust*.

                      Invited speakers

Nuel Belnap -- Norms in Branching Space-time
Ross Anderson -- Information Security Economics - and Beyond
Martin Abadi -- Access Control and Logics 
Dov Gabbay -- Reactive Kripke Models and Contrary to Duty Obligations 


The conference program is available at http://deon2008.uni.lu/program.html 
DEON 2008 is being held jointly with:  

                          NorMAS 2008 (July 15-16)

Norms are essential for artificial agents that are to display behaviour 
comparable to human intelligent behaviour or collaborate with humans. Norms 
play a central role in many social phenomena such as coordination, 
cooperation, decision-making, etc. There is an increasing interest in the role of 
norms in societies, both inside and outside the agent community. NorMAS 
therefore focuses on normative multiagent systems.

                      Invited speaker: 

Giovanni Sartor


The NorMAS workshop program is available at http://deon2008.uni.lu/normas08.html

             Registration and Local Arrangements Information

Registration for DEON and NorMAS is joint.  For registration, travel
and hotel information, visit http://deon2008.uni.lu/.  The early
registration deadline is June 10 (extended from June 1).

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