[agents] CFP ISEAT 2007

Michael Winikoff winikoff at gmail.com
Mon Apr 14 23:24:52 EDT 2008

3rd International Workshop on
Integration of Software Engineering and Agent Technology (ISEAT 2008)

Theme: Adaptability and Evolvement of Agent Systems

In conjunction with the Eighth International Conference on Quality Software
(QSIC 2008)
Oxford, UK, 12–13 August 2008


Agents are a promising new approach for designing and building the
increasingly complex software systems that are part of the essential
infrastructure of modern society. Structuring software as a collection of
autonomous agents can give a number of benefits including increased
flexibility, adaptability, and robustness. However, much of the research on
agent-oriented software engineering is done by research community that has
strong links to intelligent agents, but weaker links to mainstream
(non-agent) software engineering and to industry.

In order for agent technology to make the shift from research labs to
industrial practice, bridges must be built between the agent research
community and the software engineering research community, and between
researchers and practicing software engineers. There have already been some
events that have begun this process of building bridges and attracting
interest in agent technology from industry. The first ISEAT workshop, which
was successfully run as part of the Fifth International Conference on
Quality Software (QSIC'05), was created with the aim of bringing together
researchers from the software engineering community and researchers from the
agent community. Through the theme of Languages, Tools and Platforms, the
workshop brought a pragmatic "flavor", which made it distinct from other
events that focus on agent-oriented software engineering. The theme of the
second ISEAT workshop wasagain oriented towards the pragmatic aspect by
focusing on the architecture, model and meta-model issues in the design and
implementation of agent-oriented systems and by addressing the integration
of the technologies and concepts of agent and software engineering. By
slightly moving from the development technologies to the systems, this
year's ISEAT focuses on modeling and simulation of agent systems, which will
keep up our convention to give a pragmatic flavor.

Topics of Interest

We solicit papers on all aspects relating to software engineering and agent
technology, and their overlap. This includes, but is not limited to, papers
on the following topics:
• Agent-oriented programming languages, modeling languages, specification
languages, etc.
• Agent platforms, architectures, and middleware
• Methodologies and notations for capturing requirements and designing agent
• Testing, verification & validation, and simulation of agent systems
• Processes and tools supporting various aspects of developing and deploying
agent systems
• Applications of agents, and experiences and lessons
• Relationships between agent technology and other technologies such as
objects, web services, mobile computing, and the grid
• Adaptive reconstruction and evolvement of agent-based systems
• Reliability and fault-tolerance in agent-based systems

Formats and Submission

Paper submission is via easychair, at:
Papers should be in IEEE format and be at most 6 pages long. For the details
of the formatting instructions please refer to the URL

All submitted papers will be reviewed by members of the Programme Committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings by IEEE
Computer Society Press. As in 2005 and 2006, selected papers from the
workshop will be invited to be extended and revised for submission to the
International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (IJAOSE).

Style files and instructions:
• simple-layout.txt
• simple-layout.pdf
• simple-layout.zip (contents)
• ieee.bst (bibliography style file for use with BibTeX)

• Submitted papers must be original, have not been published elsewhere or be
under consideration for publication elsewhere.
• If a paper is accepted, an author must attend the workshop to present the

Important Dates
• 8th May, 2008 - Deadline for Submission of Papers
• 29th May, 2008 - Notification of Authors
• 12th June, 2008 - Deadline for Camera-Ready Versions

Organising Committee

Workshop Co-chairs:

Assoc. Prof. Michael Winikoff (Michael.winikoff at rmit.edu.au)
School of Computer Science and Information Technology
RMIT University, Australia

Prof. Dr. Zhi Jin (zhijin at amss.ac.cn)
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Prof. Dr. Hong Zhu (hzhu at brookes.ac.uk)
Department of Computing, School of Technology 
Oxford Brookes University,

Programme Committee

(see web page)

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