[agents] LAM'08: Deadline extension
Berndt Farwer
berndt.farwer at durham.ac.uk
Thu Mar 6 12:04:42 EST 2008
Since we have received a number of requests to extend the submission
deadline for LAM'08,
we have decided to go for a two-stage submission strategy:
- The new deadline for ABSTRACT SUBMISSIONS is Tuesday, 11 March 2008.
- FULL PAPERS are then due on Sunday, 16 March 2008.
Should you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
With best regards,
Berndt Farwer.
Workshop on Logics for Agents and Mobility (LAM'08)
part of ESSLLI 2008
<mailto:lam08 at mac.com>
4-8 August 2008
New Submission Deadlines & other Dates:
Abstract Submission: 11 March 2008
Full Paper Submission: 16 March 2008
Notification: 21 April 2008
Preliminary programme: 24 April 2008
ESSLLI early registration: 1 May 2008
Final papers for proceedings: 17 May 2008
Final programme: 21 June 2008
Workshop: 4-8 August 2008
Further Information about ESSLLI: <http://www.illc.uva.nl/ESSLLI2008/>
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