[agents] 2 potential post-doc positions: Call for Expressions of Interest

Iyad Rahwan irahwan at acm.org
Sat Feb 2 13:02:48 EST 2008

*Call for Expressions of Interest*

*2 Post-Doc Positions*
(pending funding approval)

@ The British University in Dubai
Affiliated with the University of Edinburgh

A project in the area of agent-based electronic commerce is currently under
funding consideration by a government agency. The project would have an
industry partner, which offers a unique opportunity to develop technology
that may be commercialised by a big player in the region.

If funding is approved, we will be looking at employing 2 post-doctoral
research fellows for a period of 2 years. The post-docs will help strengthen
the newly formed Dubai Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
(DAMAS)<http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/irahwan/damas>research group.
The post-docs would be appointed roughly in the following
two areas:

[Position 1:] Game theory, reputation systems, and/or argumentation

[Position 2:] Multi-agent learning and/or adaptive catalog management

We are sending this "call for expressions of interest" at an early stage
because if funding is secured, we are likely to commence the work soon

To register your interest, or for any other inquiries, please contact:

   - Iyad Rahwan
   irahwan at acm.org
   - Sherief Abdallah
   shario at ieee.org
   http://dis.cs.umass.edu/~shario/ <http://dis.cs.umass.edu/%7Eshario/>


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